How can I pay in the online store?
The carNAVi Store offers one stop shopping for all your GPS needs. You can order our GPS Navigation systems and all the accessories – plus the store has free and commercial map material for your carNAVi – download directly from the online store. Order online – 24 hours a day and speed up payments and delivery.
Accepted payments in the carNAVi Store are cash on delivery within central Metro Manila, nationwide and international banktransfer and all major credit cards without additional charges using our secure and reliable PayPal express-checkout service.
Also a walk-in pickup is possible in the carNAVi Kiosks using the online ordering system. Credit Card payments are accepted for online transactions without additional charges.
carNAVi is a verified PayPal member, trustful online shopping and secure funds transfer is guaranteed. We offer PayPal Buyer Protection with money-back-guarantee!
International shipping is available to many countries, foreign buyers are welcome. The Philippine VAT is automatically deducted during the checkout for international shipments!
Please use the shipping costs calculator during checkout in the online store to determine the availablity and the shipping costs to your location.
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- How can I convert video files for optimal display?
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- How to upload map corrections?
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