US - Hawaii Map for carNAVi

It's Free!

Road map for the Hawaiian Islands. Very detailed road network, including major highways, highways and most residential streets. Hundreds of POI are also included.

This installer either upgrades any older map or installs a full version, if none was installed before.

To download this map, add it to your shopping cart and proceed to the checkout.
After completing the checkout process you will get a personal download link.

Version: 05.2012
Download size: 20MB

Installation instructions: Mac OS-X / Windows

Note: carNAVi maps are exclusivly designed for carNAVi navigation systems.
The maps are not compatible with systems from other manufacturers!

  • Model: 4802209115716
  • Manufactured by: carNAVi
  • Product status: in Stock

Please select your operating system before adding to the cart.
