Most popular FAQs 
- Where is the best place for the windshield holder? ... (198672 views)
- Is there a maintanance fee for the use of ... (183951 views)
- Where can I download map updates? (174821 views)
- How to update the map using Windows? (167606 views)
- Can I buy carNAVi maps seperately? (162373 views)
- How can I download a (free) map from the ... (160433 views)
- How can I record a road track? (149404 views)
- What kind of SD memory cards can I use? ... (143499 views)
- How long is the battery life? (138391 views)
- How can I enter multiple destinations or via points ... (138104 views)
Latest FAQs 
- Where is the best place for the windshield holder? ... (2017-06-10 12:30)
- How can I get the carNAVi App for smartphones? ... (2014-08-19 18:27)
- How to solve "wrong version" error during update? (2014-05-06 11:37)
- Why my carNAVi has no more map? (2013-08-14 20:34)
- What are "refurbished" products? (2012-12-12 11:15)
3 search results
- Multimedia functions: How can I add music or video files to my carNAVi?Answer: Switch on your carNAVi (stay in the first menu, that appears) and connect the unit using the included USB cable to your PC. After a ...
- Connect your carNAVi: How can I connect my carNAVi with a PCAnswer: Switch on your carNAVi (stay in the first menu, that appears) and connect the unit using the included USB cable to your PC. After a ...
- Connect your carNAVi: How to pair a music device with carNAVi using BluetoothAnswer: carNAVi supports music devices like MP3 player / iPod's or celluar phones with a Bluetooth headset profile.To pair (connect) those devices to your carNAVi, you ...